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2024 CSA is sold out, however we invite you to shop our Farm Stand weekly.
CSA pickups and The Urban Farm Stand opens on June 20th and June 22nd. CSA pickups are Thursdays from 3 to 6 pm  and Saturdays from 9:30 am to 1 pm at The Urban Farm. 

Our food choices have economic and environmental impacts - both of which help support our local community. Enjoy this opportunity to support urban agriculture and help create more just and healthy local food systems with the purchase of a 21 week CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) share from Grow It Green.
Enjoy the amazing taste of freshly harvested in-season produce grown with no toxic chemicals in healthy soil following regenerative agricultural practices. Transport yourself at The Urban Farm in the center of Morristown at 31 Hazel Street, Morristown, NJ



  • Quarter shares (recommended for one plus) for $236; SNAP cost is $5 weekly

  • Half shares (recommended for a family of 2) for $422; SNAP cost is $10 weekly

  • Full shares (recommended for a family of 4) for $751

New this year, SNAP/Good Food Bucks can be used to purchase Half or Quarter CSA shares. Select your CSA size when registering. To use SNAP/Good Food Bucks, customers will be charged weekly at CSA pickup (no advance payment is required). Half shares will cost $10 per week and quarter shares will cost $5 per week, payable via SNAP thanks to the Double Food Bucks matching program!

We cannot wait to see all your faces enjoying the space that we call The Urban Farm.

CSA Pickup Schedule:

Thursday 3pm - 6pm pickups beginning June 20th 

Saturday pickups 9:30am - 1pm beginning June 22nd

July 4th week pickup is Thursday only 9:30 am - 6 pm- no Saturday pickup

No pickup on July 6th and August 31st in observance of holidays. 

Thank you for arriving in time to complete your pickup by closing time for the farm stand.

There is plenty of free parking in the Lafayette Learning Center parking lot at 31 Hazel St.

Click to read the CSA agreement.

Any questions? Email

Haga clic para leer el Acuerdo CSA

Help us prepare for a successful season and enjoy the rewards of an upfront investment in The Urban Farm through a CSA membership, with weekly pickups of produce for 21 weeks, June through November.

What to expect in share over the course of the season:

Arugula, Lettuce, Kale, Swiss Chard, Collards, Spinach, Cabbage, Fennel, String Beans, Celery, Bok Choy, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Eggplant, Bell Peppers, Hot Peppers, Cherry Tomatoes, Heirloom Tomatoes, Regular Tomatoes, Ground Cherries, Leeks, Carrots, Beets, Radish, Salad Turnips, Watermelon Radish, Delicata Squash, Acorn Squash, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Fresh Garlic, Red and White Onions, Walking Onions, Scallions, Okra, Flowers and Herbs! NEW- Sweet Corn

2024 CSA pickup guidelines:

  • CSA pickups operate in inclement weather. In rare incidences of SEVERE, dangerous weather, we delay or cancel pickups with announcements made via social media and email when possible. We recommend following us on social media @gigmotown (Instagram) or Facebook for the most current updates. 

  • Emails are sent weekly about what is available in your share and a recipe to help with meal planning.

  • Please bring a reusable bag/tote to load your veggies.

  • You get to assemble your share based on share level and produce desired based on the number of choises that week. 

  • Once your share is complete, weigh and record the weight for our end of season records (this helps with planning for next season).

  • As a bonus, members can make their own small bouquet of flowers (when in season). Pruners are available at the bagging station for picking flowers. Please clean and return after use.

  • You may send another person to pick up your CSA - please let them know the name the CSA is under and if you have a Full, Half or Quarter CSA.

  • If you are unable to pick up you CSA share on a Thursday or Saturday of that week, you join in our efforts to combat nutritional insecurity because the food is donated!   

  • We operate 100% outdoors. 

  • Share what you are making at home, pictures of visits to the farm, etc. on social media (tagging us too please)! It is motivating and inspiring when we are working on those hot, summer days!

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I love getting fresh produce locally. It lasts longer and tastes better than what I can get at the store, and there is a much smaller carbon footprint. Plus, the large amounts of greens and veggies encourage me to eat better. Grow it Green is the most affordable CSA I have found in this area, and I love supporting an organization that does so much to provide our community with healthy food.


Participating in Grow It Green's CSA is an amazing way to obtain delicious seasonal produce for a great price, support local sustainability efforts, and gain a sense of community. It is so much fun picking up your share each week. The Urban Farm is such a peaceful place to visit and many times, the highlight of my week.

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